(marunouchi) HOUSE DJ | ANDRE MCLEOD
Jamaica生まれ、NY育ちのDJ/プロデューサー/イベントオーガナイザー。 NYのアンダーグラウンドシーンで10年以上プレイし、現在は東京でDubからDiscoまで様々なジャンルでDJしている。テキーラをこよなく愛し、又ときには街中で子猫を木から助けたりしている姿もみられている。
Andre McLeod is a DJ/Producer/Event Organizer who was born in Kingston, Jamaica and later moved to New York City. Where he played in the N.Y. Underground scene for over a decade. André currently resides in Tokyo where he actively deejays, and can be heard playing anything from Dub to Disco. He has an affinity for Tequila and can often be seen around town rescuing kittens from trees.